Bachelor of Science with a Major in Exercise and Movement Science 2024-2025 Edition

Exercise and Movement Science

Students who earn a B.S. in Exercise and Movement Science will be prepared to sit for the national Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist exam. Graduates will be prepared to work in a wide array of fitness and athletic settings and will develop a framework to understand and analyze human movement, incorporating an appreciation of the overlapping influences from anatomical, physiological, psychological, and neurological factors. All students will complete an internship to gain experience in a setting that aligns with their future career goals.

Students in the Exercise and Movement Science major will have the opportunity to:

  • Study the natural sciences and apply your knowledge to concepts in biomechanics, nutrition, research, exercise assessment and prescription, and programming.
  • Learn how to design, prescribe, implement, and assess exercise programs for different populations.
  • Gain practical experience with exercise technology and equipment through Bryant’s new state-of-the-art Exercise and Movement Science Lab.  
  • Develop communication skills to interact and collaborate with patients, caregivers, and other professionals within the healthcare sector.
  • Use critical thinking and core research skills to find solutions to problems in the field.

    Two tracks of study are available. The Applied Exercise and Coaching track is designed for students who wish to enter the workforce after graduation, while the Healthcare Provider Prep track is designed for students who wish to build upon their knowledge by pursuing a graduate degree in a healthcare or medical field.

    Description of Tracks:

Applied Exercise and Coaching Track

This track will allow students to broaden their perspective on health and fitness, enhancing their ability to lead individuals and groups in fitness/performance related activities as a coach or exercise specialist.

Healthcare Provider Prep

This track will prepare students for graduate level studies in a variety of different healthcare programs, including physical therapy and athletic training. 

Exercise and Movement Science Major Curriculum Requirements:

Exercise and Movement Sciences Major Core Requirements
SCI 251
SCI L251
Biology I Principles of Biology
and Biology I Laboratory
SCI 352Exercise Physiology 3
SCI 360
SCI L360
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I
SCI 380
SCI L380
Anatomy and Physiology II
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab II
SCI 381
SCI L381
Human Kinesiology
and Kinesiology Lab
SCI 383Human Health and Disease3
SCI 386Sports Nutrition3
SCI 387Functional Musculoskeletal Anatomy 3
SCI 388Field Experience I3
SCI 467Management Principles in Fitness and Athletics3
SCI 471
SCI L471
Exercise Testing and Prescription
and Exercise Testing and Prescription Lab
SCI 476
SCI L476
Principles of Strength and Conditioning I
and Principles of Strength and Conditioning I Lab
SCI 477
SCI L477
Principles of Strength and Conditioning II
and Principles of Strength and Conditioning II Lab
SCI 488Field Experience II3
PSY 481Exercise and Sport Psychology3
Choose One of the Following Tracks
Track #1 Applied Exercise and Coaching
Select Two courses from the following list:
COM 344Sports Media Production3
ECO 340Sports Economics3
LGLS 380Sport and the Law3
MATH 488Sports Statistics3
PSY 374Introduction to Neuroscience3
PSY 375Health Psychology3
SCI 379Emergency Medical Technician I6
SCI 466Global Health Challenges3
SOC 360Sociology of Sport3
SCI HS300Honors Special Topics in Science Application of Brain Science3
Track #2 Healthcare Provider Prep
Students must pick two upper-level Science courses that are related to their future academic endeavors.
Suggested Electives for All Tracks
SCI L352Exercise Physiology Laboratory1
Mathematics Requirement:
MATH 121Calculus and Analytic Geometry I ((EMS Majors are required to take MATH 121 this can be used to fulfill the GEN ED MATH 110 requirement))3
Business Minor Requirement

 A minimum of 51 credit hours is required for the major.

A minimum of 122 credit hours is required for graduation.