Dean Emeritus
Professor David S. Lux
Emeritus Faculty
Professor Roger Anderson - Management
Professor Stanley J. Baran - Communication
Professor Judy Barrett Litoff - History and Social Sciences
Professor Laurie Bates - Economics
Professor Gregg Carter - Sociology
Professor Tom Chandler - English and Cultural Studies
Professor Robert Conti - Accounting
Professor Cileine de Lourenco - English and Cultural Studies
Professor Carol DeMoranville - Marketing
Professor Richard Glass - Information Systems and Analytics
Professor Joseph A. Ilacqua - Economics
Professor Antoine Joseph - History and Social Sciences
Professor Kristin Kennedy - Mathematics
Professor David Ketcham - Finance
Professor Gaytha Langlois - Science and Technology
Professor Hsi Li - Finance
Professor Mary Lyons - English and Cultural Studies
Professor Michael Lynch - Accounting
Professor Joseph McCarthy - Finance
Professor Daniel McNally - Science and Technology
Professor Robert Muksian - Mathematics
Professor Elaine Notarantonio - Marketing
Professor Alan Olinsky - Mathematics
Professor Michael B. Patterson - Management
Professor Mary Prescott - English and Cultural Studies
Professor Charles Quigley - Marketing
Professor Harold Records - Computer Information Systems
Professor Phyllis Schumacher - Mathematics
Professor Joseph Shaanan - Economics
Professor Kathleen Simons - Accounting
Professor Jack Trifts - Finance
Professor VK Unni - Management
Professor Elizabeth Walden - English and Cultural Studies
Professor Nanci Weinberger - Psychology
Professor Yun Xiao - Modern Languages
Professor Elizabeth Yobaccio - Finance
Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty
Katayoun Alidadi, Associate Professor,Politics, Law and Society, LL.M. Harvard Law School; Ph.D in Law KU Leuven
Daniel Ames, Professor, Accounting, B.S. Brigham Young University; M.A. Duke University; Ph.D. Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Kwadwo N. Asare, Professor, Accounting, B.S. St. Francis College; M.B.A. Cornell University; M.S. McCullum Graduate School of Business; Ph.D. Bentley University
Asli Ascioglu, Professor, Finance, B.S. Middle East Technical University; M.S. Texas Tech University; Ph.D. University of Memphis
Sharmin Attaran, Professor, Marketing, B.A. University of California Los Angeles; M.B.A. California State University Bakersfield; Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago
Laura Beaudin, Assistant Professor, Mathmatics and Economics, B.A. St. Michael's College; M.A., Ph.D. University of New Hampshire
David Beausejour, Professor, Accounting, B.S., M.S.T. Bryant University; J.D., Suffolk University; C.P.A.
Jocelyn Bell, Assistant Professor, Sociology, B.A. Brown University; M.A. University of Kentucky; M.A. Brown University; Ph.D. Brown University
Aziz Berdiev, Associate Professor, Mathmatics and Economics, B.A. Berea College; M.S., Ph.D. University of Kentucky
Kristen M. Berkos, Associate Professor, Communication and Language Studies, B.A., M.A. California State University, Long Beach; Ph.D. Louisiana State University
James Bishop, Professor, Mathematics and Economics, B.A., M.A. State University of New York; Ph.D. Northeastern University
Brian Blais, Associate Professor, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, B.A. Wesleyan University; Sc.M., Ph.D. Brown University
Dennis M. Bline, Professor, Accounting, B.S.B.A. Indiana University Southeast; M.B.A., Ph.D. University of Arkansas
Ronald Bobroff, Professor, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A. University of Pennsylvania; M.Sc. London School of Economics and Political Science; M.A., Ph.D. Duke University
Andrea Boggio, Professor, Politics, Law, and Society, B.A. Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy; J.S.M., J.S.D. Stanford Law School
Stefanie Boyer, Professor, Marketing, B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D. University of South Florida
Gianluca Brero, Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Analytics, B.S. Turin Polytechnic; M.S. Milan Polytechnic and Turin Polytechnic; Ph.D. University of Zurich
Michael S. Bryant, Professor, Politics, Law, and Society, M.S., J.D. Emory University; MA., Ph.D. Ohio State University
Allison Butler, Professor, Psychology, B.S. The College of William Mary; M.Ed. University of Virginia; Ph.D. Boston College
Jeffrey Cabusao, Professor, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A. Oberlin College; M.A. University of California; Ph.D. University of Michigan
Valerie Carrigan, Assistant Professor, History, Literature, and the Arts, B.S. Nazareth College; M.A. The University of the Arts
Abhijit Chaudhury, Professor, Information Systems and Analytics, B.Tech., M.Tech. Indian Institute of Technology; Ph.D. Purdue University
Lori Ann Coakley, Professor, Management, B.A. University of California, Santa Cruz; M.B.A. University of Lowell; Ph.D. University of Massachusetts
Charles P. Cullinan, Professor, Accounting, B.S. Suffolk University; M.S. State University of New York; Ph.D. University of Kentucky; C.P.A.; C.M.A.; C.I.A.
Amber Day, Professor, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A. McGill University; M.A., Ph.D. Northwestern University
Janet E. Dean, Professor, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A. Colby College; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Columbia University
Ronald J. Deluga, Professor, Psychology, B.S. Bowling Green State University; M.S. Miami (of Ohio) University; M.B.A. Xavier University; Ed.D. University of Cincinnati
John W. Dietrich, Professor, Politics, Law, and Society, B.A. University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
Geri-Louise Dimas, Assistant Professor, Information Systems Analytics, B.A.; Roosevelt University; M.S.; Bowling Green State University; Ph.D; Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Erim Ergene, Assistant Professor, Management, B.S. Pennsylvania State University, State College; M.S. Lehigh University; Ph.D. Candidate in Strategic Management, University of Massachusetts
Yvette Feng, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Economics, B.S. Nothern Michigan Univversity; M.S. Bowling Green State University; Ph.D Universirty of Alabama
Nicole Freiner, Associate Professor, Politics, Law and Society, B.A. Alfred University; M.A., Ph.D. Colorado State University
Kevin Gainor, Lecturer, Marketing/Management, B.S. Bryant University; MBA Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Richard Gorvett, Professor, Mathematics and Economics, B.S. University of Illinois at Chicago; M.B.A. University of Chicago; Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michael J. Gravier, Professor, Marketing, B.A. Washington University St. Louis; M.S. Air Force Institute of Technology; Ph.D. University of North Texas
Terri Hasseler, Professor,History, Literature, and Cultural Studies, B.A. English and Political Science, St. Norbert College; M.A, British and American Literature, Marquette University; Ph.D. , English Literature, University of Washington
Zahra Heydarifard, Assistant Professor, Management, B.S, M.S The University of Tehran, Iran; M.B.A, Ph.D. The University of Texas at San Antonio
Kirsten Hokeness, Professor, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, B.S. University of New Hampshire; Ph.D. Brown University
Richard G. Holtzman, Associate Professor, Politics, Law and Society, B.A. University of California San Diego; Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin
Denise M. Horn, Professor, CAS Assistant Dean, Politics, Law and Society, B.A., University of North Carolina-Greensboro, M.A. University of Connecicut, Ph.D Rutgers University
Tony Houston, Associate Professor, Communication and Language Studies, B.A., M.A. University of Kentucky; Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A. Can Inci, Professor, Finance, B.S. Bogazici University; M.S. University of London; M.B.A. Ohio State University; Ph.D. University of Michigan
Crystal Jiang, Professor, Management, B.A. Shandong Normal University China; M.B.A. University of Maine; Ph.D. Temple University
Emi Kanemoto, Assistamt Professor, Communication and Language Studies, B.A.; M.A., Texas State University; Ph.D. Bowling Green State University
Eun Yeon Kang, Assistant Professor, Marketing, B.S.; Kyung Hee University; B.A., M.S.; Michigan State University; Ph.D.; The University of Texas
Muni Kelly, Assistant Professor, Accounting, B.Sc. Regent University College, Ghana; M.B.A., Ph.D Candidate Morgan State University
Gihyun Kim, Assistant Professor, Management, B.A., Sogang University; M.A., Yonsei University; Ph. D University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Jongsung Kim, Professor, Mathmatics and Economics, B.A., M.A. Kyung Hee University; M.A., Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University
Kacy Kim, Assistant Professor, Marketing, B.A. Chung-Ang University; M.A. SungKyunKwan University; M.A., Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin
Timothy Krumwiede, Professor, Accounting, B.B.A. Cleveland State University; M.S.A., Ph.D. Texas Tech University; C.P.A.
Huan Kuang, Assistant Professor, Finance, B.Sc, Southwest University of Finance and Economics, Sichuan, China, M.Sc., Georgia State University, Ph.D. Umass Amherst
Martha Kuhlman, Professor,History, Literature, and the Arts, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. New York University
Sonal Kumar, Assistant Professor, Finance, B.Com., M.Com. Panjab University; M.S. University of Windsor; Ph.D. Concordia University
Eileen Kwesiga, Professor, Management, B.A., M.A. Cleveland State; Ph.D. University of Texas at Arlington
Heather Pond Lacey, Associate Professor, Psychology, B.A. California State University M.A., Ph.D. University of Michigan
Alicia Lamere, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Economics, B.A. Hamilton College; M.S., Ph.D. University of Notre Dame
E. Jin Lee, Assisstant Professor, Accounting, Master of Accounting, George Washington University; Ph. D. Florida International University
Qin Leng, Professor,Biological and Biomedical Sciences, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Chinese Academy of Sciences
Suhong Li, Professor, Information Systems and Analytics, B.E., M.E. Tianjin University; Ph.D. University of Toledo
David Louton, Professor, Finance, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D. Michigan State University
Harsh K. Luthar, Professor, Management, B.A. Beloit College; M.B.A. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater; Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Bradford D. Martin, Professor, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A. Yale University; M.A. University of Massachusetts/Boston; Ph.D. Boston University
Teresa McCarthy, Associate Professor, Marketing, B.S. University of Massachusetts; M.S. University of Rhode Island; Ph.D. University of Tennessee
Veronica McComb, Professor, History, Literature and the Arts, A.B. Senior Fellow in Film and Television Studies; Dartmouth College, PhD in American Studies, Boston University
Judith McDonnell, Professor, Sociology, A.B. Cornell University; A.M., Ph.D. Brown University
Sam Mirmirani, Professor, Mathmatics and Economics, B.S. National University of Iran; M.S. University of Dallas; M.A., Ph.D. Clark University
Ramesh Mohan, Professor, Mathmatics and Economics, B.S., M.S. University of Malaya; Ph.D. Kansas State University
Chris R. Morse, Professor, Communication and Language Studies, B.A., Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University; M.A. Illinois State University
Keith Murray, Professor, Marketing, B.A. Columbia Union College; M.A. Pepperdine University; M.B.A. Boston University; Ph.D. Arizona State University
Son Nguyen, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Economics, B.S. Military Technical Academy, Vietnam; M.S., Ph.D., Ohio University
Peter J. Nigro, Sarkisian Chair and Professor, Finance, B.A. College of the Holy Cross; M.A. University of Southern California; Ph.D. Boston College
Gao Niu, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Economics, B.S. Iowa Wesleyan College; M.S. Western Illinois University; Ph.D. University of Connecticut
Cedric Oliva, Assistant Professor, Communication and Language Studies, B.A. Stendhal University, France; University of Sussex, Brighton, UK University of Corsica; M.A. California State University, University of Corsica; Ph.D. University of Corsica, France
Kathryn Ostermeier, Assistant Professor, Management, B.A. Texas AM University; M.B.A. University of Texas at Tyler; Ph.D. University of North Texas
Xiaofei Pan, Assistant Professor, Mathmatics and Economics, B.A. Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; M.A., Ph.D. George Mason University
Kevin Pearce, Associate Professor, Communication and Language Studies, B.A. San Jose State University; M.A. San Diego State University; Ph.D. Kent State University
Alex Perullo, Professor,Politics, Law and Society, B.A. University of New Hampshire; M.A., Ph.D. Indiana University
Elena Precourt, Associate Professor, Accounting, B.A., M.B.A. University of Maine; G.D.P.A Accounting Suffolk University; Ph.D. University of Rhode Island
Janet Prichard, Professor, Information Systems and Analytics, B.A. Providence College; M.S., Ph.D. University of Rhode Island
Dirk Primus, Associate Professor, Management, M.B.A. University Berlin, Business College St. Gallen, DePaul University Chicago, Kelly School of Business, Indiana University; M.Sc. Nuremberg Institute of Technology; Ph.D. Bentley University
John T. Quinn, Professor, Mathematics and Economics, Sc.B. Brown University; S.M., Ph.D. Harvard University
Andres Ramirez, Associate Professor, Finance, M.B.A. University of Texas Pan American Ph.D. University of South Carolina
Christopher Reid, Associate Professor,Biological and Biomedical Sciences, B.Sc. Laurentian University; M.Sc. University of Waterloo; Ph.D. University of Guelph
Thomas J. Roach, Professor, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A. Boston College; M.A., Ph.D. University of Minnesota
Michael Roberto, Professor, Trustee Professor of Management, A.B., M.B.A., D.B.A. Harvard University
Christopher J. Roethlein, Professor, Management, M.A. Western New England College; M.B.A. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D. University of Rhode Island
Saeed Roohani, Professor, Accounting, B.A. Institute of Advanced Accounting; M.B.A. Sol Ross State University; M.S. Louisiana State University; D.B.A. Mississippi State University
Jessica Rowlett, Assistant Professor, Communication and Language Studies, B.A.; Georgetown College; M.A.; Clemson University; Ph.D.; Florida State University
Elzotbek Rustambekov, Associate Professor, Management, B.A. Tashkent State Technical University; M.B.A. Hofstra University; M.S. University of St. Andrews; Ph.D. Oregon State University; Ph.D. Old Dominion University
Riazat Ryan, Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Analytics, BSc, AIUB, Bangladesh, Ph.D Umass Dartmouth
Yasamin Salmani, Assistant Professor, Management, BSc, MSc, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran; Ph.D. Drexel University
Wendy Samter, Professor, Communication and Language Studies, B.A. LaSalle University; M.A., Ph.D. Purdue University
Hakan Saraoglu, Professor, Finance, B.Sc., M.B.A. Bogazici University; Ph.D. Michigan State
Kristin M. Scaplen, Assistant Professor, Psychology, B.Sc. University of Connecticut; Ph.D. Brown University
Melissa M. Slocum, Assistant Professor, History, Literature, and the Arts, B.A. St. John Fisher College; M.F.A. Chatham University; M.A. Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D. Arizona State University
Richard M. Smith, Professor, Mathematics and Economics, B.A. Queens College; M.A., Ph.D. University of Wisconsin
Kenneth J. Sousa, Associate Professor, Information Systems and Analytics, B.S. Roger Williams College; M.B.A. Bryant University; Ph.D. University of Rhode Island
Edinaldo Tebaldi, Professor, Mathmatics and Economics, B.A. State University of Maringá Brazil; M.A. Federal University of Ceará Brazil; M.A., Ph.D. University of New Hampshire
Monica Tlachac, Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Analytics, B.Sc University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; M.Sc, Ph.D. Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Joseph J. Trunzo, Professor, Psychology, B.S. Marywood College; M.A., Ph.D. MCP Hahnemann University
John K. Visich, Professor, Management, B.A. Widener University; M.B.A. Goldey-Beacon College; Ph.D. University of Houston
Julie E. Volkman, Assistant Professor, Communication and Language Studies, B.A., Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University; M.A. Michigan State University
Xiaonan (Shannon) Wei, Assistant Professor, Finance, B.S., Northeast Agricultural University; M.S., Northeastern University;Ph.D University Arkansas
Steven Weicksel, Assistant Professor, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, B.S. University of New Hampshire; Ph.D. Providence College
Hong Yang, Professor, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, B.S. Wuhan College (PR China); M.S. China University of Geosciences; Ph.D. University of Idaho
R. Isil Yavuz, Assistant Professor, Management, B.S., M.S. Middle East Technical University, Turkey; Ph.D. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Sukki Yoon, Professor, Marketing, B.A. Konkuk University; M.A. Michigan State University; Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Leila Zbib, Assistant Professor, Finance, B.A.I.S. Lebanese International University, Lebanon; M.Acc. University of Idaho; Ph.D. Washington State University
Srdan Zdravkovic, Professor, Marketing, B.S. University of Evansville; M.B.A. University of Southern Indiana; Ph.D. St. Louis University
Dekun Zhai, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Economics, B.A. Shandong Technology and Business University; M.S. Georgia State University; Ph.D Temple University
Chen Zhang, Associate Professor, Information Systems and Analytics, B.S. Tsinghua University; Ph.D. University of Alabama
Cathy Zheng, Assistant Professor, Finance, B.A., B.S. East China University of Science and Technology; M.S. Bentley University; Ph.D. University of South Carolina
Xiaochuan Zheng, Professor, Accounting, B.S. Renmin University of China; M.S. Graduate School of People’s Bank of China; M.S. University of Mississippi; Ph.D. Drexel University
Term Faculty
Farzana Alamgir, Lecturer, Mathematics and Economics, B.S. North South University; M.A. Carleton University; Ph.D McMaster University
Lindsay Amper, Lecturer, Psychology, B.A. University of Delware, M.Ed; Harvard Graduate School of Education; Ph.D. Northeastern University
Susan R. Baran, Senior Lecturer, Communication and Language Studies, B.A. Rhode Island College; M.A. Norwich University
Nancy I. Beausoleil, Senior Lecturer, Mathematics and Economics, B.S. Rhode Island College; M.S. University of Massachusetts
Ilisabeth Smith Bornstein, Lecturer, Politics, Law, and Society, B.A. Yale University; M.P.P. University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy; J.D. University of Chicago Law School
Barbara Byers, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A., Bates College; M.A., Ph.D, University of California
Jeffrey Cerutti, Lecturer, Finance, B.S. Skidmore College; M.B.A. Boise State University
David J. Ciliberto, Senior Lecturer, Sociology, B.A. Rhode Island College; M.A., Ph.D. Northeastern University
Mary Anne Clark, Lecturer, Politics, Law, and Society, B.A. Rhode Island College; M.A., University of Connecticut
Emily C. Copeland, Senior Lecturer, Politics, Law and Society, B.A. Lawrence University; M.A., Ph.D. The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Kathleen Daly, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A. Smith College; Ph.D. Boston University
Mengqi Deng, Lecturer, Mathematics and Economics, B.A. Macalester College; M.A. Boston University; Ph.D Boston University
Mara Derderian, Senior Lecturer, Finance, B.S. Bryant University; M.B.A. Bentley University
Thomas Dooley, Lecturer, Communication and Language Studies, B.A. University of Notre Dame; M.F.A. Columbia University
Tom Dougherty, Lecturer, Information Systems and Analytics, B.A., M.A. Binghamton University
Maura Dowling, Lecturer, Finance, B.A., M.A. Potsdam College (SUNY); M.A. Brown University
Holly Dygert, Lecturer, Communication and Language Studies, B.A. Hartwick College; M.A. Ph.D. Michgan State University
Kristen Falso-Capaldi, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A.; University of Rhode Island; M.A. T.; Rhode Island College
John H. Fellingham, Lecturer, Finance, B.S. State University of New York at Stony Brook; M.B.A. Fordham University; Ph.D. Candidate University of Rhode Island
Amanda Fontaine, Letcurer, Polictics, Law, and Society, B.A.; Clark University;M.A.; University of New Hampshire; Ph.D.; University of New Hampshire
Mary Anne Gallo, Letcurer, Communication and Language Studies, B.A.; Northeastern University; M.S.; Northeastern Univeristy
Patricia Gomez, Senior Lecturer, Communication and Language Studies, B.A., M.A. The University of Texas Pan American
Louise M. Hasenfus, Senior Lecturer, Mathematics and Economics, B.A., M.A.T. Rhode Island College
Jennifer Horan, Lecturer,History, Literature and the Arts, B.A. Boston College; Ph.D. CUNY
John T. Howard, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.F.A. The Fashion Institute of Technology; B.A. SUNY Purchase Literature; M.F.A. Indiana University
Jennifer Hurrell, Clinical Associate Professor, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Ph.D, University of St. Augustine; Advanced M.S. , B.S; Quinnipiac University
T.V. Jayaraman, Lecturer, Management/Marketing, M.B.A. Bryant University; Ph.D. Indian Institute of Science
Allison Kaminaga, Lecturer, Mathmatics and Economics, B.S. Stonehill College; M.A., Ph.D. Clark University
Carrie Kell, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A.,B.E, M.A.; Univeristy of Toledo; M.Ed; Northeastern; Ed.D.; University of Wyoming
Bryan Knapp, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A. University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A, Ph.D. Brown University
Jeffrey S. Koplik, Lecturer, Finance, B.S. Cornell University; MSc. Brown University; MBA University of Rhode Island; MSF Boston College
Gene Kovacs, Visiting Professor/Lecturer, Accounting, B.S. Babson College; M.B.A. University of Chicago; Ph.D. Columbian University
Valerie Leduc, Lecturer, Management, A.S. Community College of Rhode Island; B.S.B.A Bryant University; M.B.A. University of Rhode Island
David Liao, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A.; State University of New York at Binghamton; Ph.D.; Brown University
Danielle Macon, Visiting Assistant Professor, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A., University of Michigan- Ann Arbor, M.A. Temple University, Ph.D Temple University
Kevin J. Maloney, Lecturer, Finance, B.A. Trinity College; M.A., Ph.D. Washington University
Ryan Marnane, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, A.A. Newbury College; B.A. Providence College; M.A., Ph.D. Salve Regina University
Taylor Maroney, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A.; University of New Hampshire; M.A.; University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Robert Massoud, Lecturer, Management, B.A., M.A. Catholic University of America
Jennifer Mier, Lecturer, Accounting, B.S.B.A. Worcester State College; M.B.A. Providence College
Stephanie Mott, Lecturer, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Sc.M. University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
Stephen Pascarella, Lecturer, Accounting, B.S.;M.S.; Bryant College
Mehreen Pasha, Lecturer, Marketing/Management, M.B.A. Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan; M.B.A. Bryant University
Eric Paul, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A.; Rhode Island College; M.A.; Farleigh Dickinson University
Jeremy D. Pearson, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.A., M.A. San Francisco State University; Ph.D. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Karen A. Pitts, Lecturer, Mathematics and Econmics, B.S., M.S.T. Bryant University
Christopher Ratcliffe, Lecturer, Management, A.A. Community College of Rhode Island; B.A. Rhode Island College; M.B.A. University of Rhode Island
Robert L. Reinauer, Lecturer, Mathmatics and Economics, B.A. University of New Hampshire; M.A., A.B.D. University of Massachusetts
Mary Robins, Lecturer, Communication and Language Studies, B.A. Assumption College; M.S. University of Bridgeport
Adam Rubin, Senior Lecturer, Management, B.S. Bryant University; M.B.A. Northeastern University
Ferdous Sardar, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathmatics and Economics, B.A. University of Dhaka; M.B.A. University of Dhaka; M.A. Central Michigan University; PH. D. Unversity of Washington(expected 2022)
Kristin Taylor-Costello, Lecturer, Sociology, A.A. Community College of Rhode Island; B.A. Rutgers University; M.A. University of Massachusetts; Ph.D. Florida State University
Francis Varin, Lecturer, Information Systems and Analytics, A.S. Community College of Rhode Island; B.S., M.S.I.S. Bryant University
Michelle Varin, Lecturer, Information Systems and Analytics, B.S. Roger Williams University; B.S., M.S. Champlain College; M.S. I. S. Bryant College
Jack Vensel, Professor of Practice, Management, B.S. Boston College; MBA Harvard Business School
Mark A. Vozella, Lecturer, Management, B.S. Salem State College; M.S. Lesley College
Monica Ward, Lecturer, History, Literature, and the Arts, B.A., M.A.; Rutgers Univeristy; Ph. D.; University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ronald S. Washburn, Senior Lecturer, Politics, Law and Society, B.A. Mount Saint Mary College; J.D. New England School of Law
Dania E. Whitaker, Lecturer,Biological and Biomedical Sciences, B.S., M.S. University of Rhode Island
Zhongyuan Williams, Lecturer,Communication and Language Studies, B.A. Kanto-Gakuin University; M.S. University of Massachusetts
James Wood, Professional in Residence/lecturer, Mathematics and Economics, B.S. , Bryant University
Thomas Zammarelli, Senior Lecturer, Communication and Language Studies, B.S. Syracuse University; M.A. Harvard University
Joan Zaretti, Lecturer, History, Literature and the Arts, B.M University of Michigan; M.A., Ph.D. Indiana University
Cindy Zdravkovic, Lecturer, Communication and Language Studies, B.S., University of Evansville, M.A. University of Cincinnati, M.A. Bryant University
William H. Zywiak, Lecturer, Mathematics and Economics, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. University of Buffalo