College of Business 2024-2025 Edition

College of Business Mission Statement:

We prepare socially responsible thinkers, leaders and innovators for successful professional careers within the global business community.

Professional careers begin where theory and practice intersect. We provide students with a learner-centered environment, a broad knowledge base, the opportunity to develop areas of expertise that are in high demand and to apply their knowledge in practical settings.

  • We prepare thinkers by offering a broad and multi-disciplinary knowledge base, with in-depth content in one or more specific business disciplines. The business degree experience is focused on the application of foundational theory in business settings. In addition, we develop students’ critical thinking skills and ability to grapple with problems at a systemic level.
  • We prepare leaders by cultivating the development of interpersonal skills and character. The curriculum provides students with numerous opportunities to learn about and practice leadership and collaboration skills, in small and large group settings, and with for-profit and non-profit organizations.
  • We prepare innovators by presenting students with challenging business issues that allow them to apply their skills to real problems. The curriculum offers opportunities for students to develop creative business solutions and provides them with the necessary tools to successfully adapt to changes in the global business environment.