Arts and Creative Industries Programs 2024-2025 Edition

Arts And Creative Industries Major

The Arts and Creative Industries program builds upon Bryant’s brand of strong student outcomes, industry knowledge, and experiential education. A major in Arts and Creative Industries prepares students to work within nonprofit, government, and corporate creative industries. Students will be prepared to work in large corporations, as well as small start-up nonprofits and organizations.

Students in this field master traditional administrative skills, learn about the changing fields of arts and creativity, are immersed in studio and practical learning in their chosen fields, and have concrete experiential learning courses both on campus and within the local arts and creative industries community. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to leverage their practical and creative skills to work in a range of arts and creative industries with the expectation of immediate employment and competitive salaries.

Students in the Arts and Creative Industries major will:

  • Develop a knowledge base in the arts and creative industries, both in theory and practice.
  • Interpret, analyze, and critique the creative works and practices of visual artists, writers, and performers, with an emphasis on diverse perspectives.
  • Create artistic works across a variety of forms (visual art, creative writing, performance)  with hands-on studio and workshop courses.
  • Research, understand, and prepare for careers in the arts and creative industries.
  • Work in established creative organizations, communities, and industries, gaining real-world experience and building relationships for career growth.

Arts And Creative Industries Minor

The Arts and Creative Industries program builds upon Bryant’s brand of strong student outcomes, industry knowledge, and experiential education. A major in Arts and Creative Industries prepares students to work within nonprofit, government, and corporate creative industries. Students will be prepared to work in large corporations, as well as small start-up nonprofits and organizations.

Students in this field master traditional administrative skills, learn about the changing fields of arts and creativity, are immersed in studio and practical learning in their chosen fields, and have concrete experiential learning courses both on campus and within the local arts and creative industries community. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to leverage their practical and creative skills to work in a range of arts and creative industries with the expectation of immediate employment and competitive salaries.

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Arts and Creative Industries Degree Requirements:

Major Course Requirements:
Required Courses:
ACI 220Introduction to Arts and Creative Industries3
ACI 221Arts and Creative Industries Incubator Seminar3
ACI 340Arts and Entertainment: Issues in Arts Administration3
ACI 391Arts and Creative Industries Internship3
LCS 491Workshop in Creative and Critical Process3
Students must pick 5 courses from below:
ACI 301Vocal Ensemble Studio3
ACI 302Performance Studio3
ACI 303Design in Contemporary Culture3
ACI 304Music Composition Studio3
ACI 321Drawing Studio3
ACI 322Art and Design Studio3
ACI 323Digital Arts Studio3
ACI 324Digital Photography Studio3
ACI 325Book Arts Studio3
ACI 326Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud3
ACI 401Painting Studio3
COM 345Documentary Filmmaking3
LCS 230Introduction to Film Studies3
LCS 221Studies in Fiction3
LCS 251Studies in Drama3
LCS 341Philosophy of Art3
LCS 356Studies in Narrative3
LCS 358Introduction to Studies in Jazz3
LCS 359Music and Society3
LCS 370Poetry Writing Workshop3
LCS 371Fiction Writing Workshop3
LCS 372Creative Writing Workshop3
LCS 376Global Art History Before 18503
LCS 387African Popular Culture3
LCS 441Film Theory3
LCS 443Editing and Publishing Workshop: The Bryant Literary Review 3
LCS 450Film Genre Studies3
LCS 458Anthropology of Music Industries3
LCS 468Studies in Graphic Narrative3
LCS 469Studies in Political Satire3

A minimum of 30 credits are required for the major.

A minimum 122 credit hours is required for the degree for graduation.

Arts And Creative Industries Minor Requirements:

Arts and Creative Industries Minor Requirements:

Required Courses:
ACI 220Introduction to Arts and Creative Industries3
ACI 340Arts and Entertainment: Issues in Arts Administration3
Select Two Electives in Creative Practices in Performing Arts, Visual Arts, or Creative Writing. One must be a the 400-level
ACI 221Arts and Creative Industries Incubator Seminar3
ACI 301Vocal Ensemble Studio3
ACI 302Performance Studio3
ACI 303Design in Contemporary Culture3
ACI 304Music Composition Studio3
ACI 321Drawing Studio3
ACI 322Art and Design Studio3
ACI 323Digital Arts Studio3
ACI 324Digital Photography Studio3
ACI 325Book Arts Studio3
ACI 326Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud3
ACI 391Arts and Creative Industries Internship3
ACI 401Painting Studio3
COM 345Documentary Filmmaking3
LCS 222Studies in Nonfiction3
LCS 223Studies in Poetry3
LCS 230Introduction to Film Studies3
LCS 251Studies in Drama3
LCS 341Philosophy of Art3
LCS 352Studies in Poetry3
LCS 356Studies in Narrative3
LCS 358Introduction to Studies in Jazz3
LCS 359Music and Society3
LCS 370Poetry Writing Workshop3
LCS 371Fiction Writing Workshop3
LCS 372Creative Writing Workshop3
LCS 376Global Art History Before 18503
LCS 387African Popular Culture3
LCS 441Film Theory3
LCS 443Editing and Publishing Workshop: The Bryant Literary Review 3
LCS 450Film Genre Studies3
LCS 458Anthropology of Music Industries3
LCS 469Studies in Political Satire3
LCS 468Studies in Graphic Narrative3
LCS 491Workshop in Creative and Critical Process3

 A minimum of 12 credits is required for the minor.