Science and Technology (SCI) 2024-2025 Edition


SCI 690. Thesis I Thesis Research. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is intended for graduate students carrying out thesis research, in conjunction with the Master of Global Environmental Studies, under the guidance of the Thesis Committee. This is the first part, 3 credits, toward the 6 credit hour thesis research requirement. During the course of both courses students will complete the laboratory experiments, analyze experimental data and findings, prepare and submit the thesis, and complete the oral defense.

SCI 691. Thesis II Thesis Research Thesis and Oral Defense. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is intended for graduate students carrying out thesis research, in conjunction with the Master of Science in Global Environmental Studies, under the guidance of the Thesis Committee. This is the second part, 3 credit hours, toward the 6 credit hour research requirement. During the course of both courses, students will complete the laboratory experiments, analyze experimental data and findings, prepare and submit the Thesis, and complete the oral defense.

SCI 692. Graduate Practicum. 3 Credit Hours.

Graduate education is enhanced by practical application of its learned material. Thus, this course is designed to provide practical experience in some setting, scholarly or professional, related to global environmental studies. That experience can be in either a for-profit or a not-for-profit organization. The Practicum is intended to provide the student with an opportunity to acquire in-field knowledge and experience. Because academic credit is awarded for this experience, the student must gain academic knowledge as well as practical experience. The Graduate Practicum must be approved by the instructor, the MSGES program director, and the department chair.
Prerequisites: Student must have completed six hours of graduate coursework in Global Environmental Studies before taking the Graduate Practicum.

SCI 697. Directed Study in Science and Technology. 3 Credit Hours.

This course permits the student to pursue an area of interest and relevancy in global environmental studies and/or sustainability. The work will be performed under the supervision of a faculty member who will help design the program of study and the requirements to be met by the student. All directed studies must be approved by the Graduate Director and the Chair of the Department, who will be supplied with a title for and description of the course, its requirements and grading criteria, and a preliminary list of readings. This course is a 600-level graduate course. Permission of the instructor is required.