International Business Program 2024-2025 Edition

International Business Program

Graduates of the B.S. in International Business would develop a strong theoretical and practical foundation in international business. Our extensive, internationally focused coursework in both business and liberal arts provides the global perspective that is critical to succeed in the global business arena. The required foreign language minor and global learning experiences further equip BSIB students with the skills needed to succeed in the international business world. Students develop real, hands-on global skills through study abroad and global internships - immersing themselves in a different culture and language. Bryant’s BSIB Program is one of the few in the country that offers concentrations in business functions, through which providing students with both the breadth of international business and the depth of a specific field of business. The program also integrates many of the resources offered by The John H. Chafee Center for International Business. During their senior year, students become consultants for a regional or multinational company to solve a real international business challenge for their clients.


Students with a BSIB degree will be able to:

  • Lead responsibly and creatively in the global business arena
  • Understand the importance of a global perspective and its relevance when dealing with complex international issues that affect conducting business, including culture and business practices, the roles of institutions and government, environmental issues, as well as legal and ethical norms.
  • Apply practical solutions to deal with complex issues in business and life.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the functional areas of business with special emphasis on issues and problems faced by managers of multinational businesses.
  • Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of one functional area of concentration.
  • Solve problems creatively and innovatively in the modern global business arena.
  • Understand the role of technology in business, especially as it relates to globalization.
  • Demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Effectively lead and work in diverse teams.
  • Communicate effectively in English and a foreign language; orally, written, and interculturally.
  • Incorporate perspectives from the humanities, arts and sciences to their business life.
  • Apply their experience from study abroad, internships abroad, business simulations, and consulting projects to their post-graduation career.

Business Concentration

International Business majors are required to concentrate in a functional area of business (accounting, digital marketing, finance, global supply chain management, human resource management, information systems, leadership and innovation, marketing, or team and project management). Lists of faculty and concentration objectives can be found in the catalog under the specific departments. All courses will be described in the Course Descriptions section of the catalog.

International Business Minor

The Minor in International Business will facilitate the cultivation of a global perspective in our students, contributing to their achieving their personal best in life and business. Through a combination of two required courses that are integrated across business functions and two electives that focus on the international aspects of specific business functions, minors will develop a broader and deeper understanding of the issues faced by companies engaged in international business, as well as the application of business theory and concepts to common problems faced by these businesses. This will lead to greater international awareness and enhanced technical skills for competing and leading in the global business environment.


IB 356. International Business Management. 3 Credit Hours.

The International Business Management course provides an overview of the cultural, economic, legal, and political forces that shape the environment of international business. Students will develop knowledge and skills to help them manage businesses across international boundaries. This is an upper level course that emphasizes the ability of effective oral and written communication, the application of analytical reasoning, the development of specific research skills for assessing the international context, and the use of experiential exercises to sensitize students to cultural differences. Prerequiste: Junior Standing and IB major.
Session Cycle: Spring
Yearly Cycle: Annual.

IB 385. Special Topics in International Business. 3 Credit Hours.

Topics under this course heading will vary from year to year according to student interest, faculty availability, and timely developments in the area of International Business or any of its functional areas. Refer to Banner web catalog for semester specific special topics course titles and descriptions.
Prerequisites: Junior standing.

IB 387. Financial and Economic Developments in Latin America. 3 Credit Hours.

This survey course is intended to provide an overview of the contemporary financial and economic environment in Latin America with a focus of doing business in Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Argentina. The topics will include an examination of the social, economic and political forces that affect business in Latin America.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and FIN 201 or FIN 201G
Session Cycle: Fall
Yearly Cycle: Varies.

IB 391. Internship in International Business. 3 Credit Hours.

Students engage in individually supervised employment in an area of international business (such as Information Systems, Finance, Management, or Marketing) which involves the application of international business theory and principles to the work environment. Interns work at least 10 hours a week, meet periodically with a supervising faculty member, do research on their field of employment, and prepare a substantive report on work experience and research.
Prerequisites: BSIB major, overall GPA of 2.5 or greater, approval of a supervising faculty member, approval of the IB coordinator and junior/senior standing.

IB 490. International Business Practicum. 3 Credit Hours.

International Business Practicum, is a capstone course for IB majors that is a combination of global business strategy and practical business experience. The course builds on class room discussions about IB theory by providing aspects of international business. Students operate as consultants for clients from John H. Chafee Center for International Business by identifying, analyzing and designing market entry, development and competitive strategies for new global markets.
Prerequisites: BSIB major and senior standing
Session Cycle: Fall, Spring
Yearly Cycle: Annual.

Fall 2024IB 490A2141M2:20pm - 4:50pm(J. Saslawski)

IB 497. Directed Study in International Business. 3 Credit Hours.

This course allows qualified seniors majoring in International Business to do an in-depth study or research under the direction of an appropriate internationally focused faculty member of Information Systems, Finance, Management, or Marketing.
Prerequisites: BSIB major, overall gpa of 3.0 or greater, or approval of supervising faculty member, approval of the IB coordinator, and senior standing.


Program Director



Lori Coakley
Professor, Management


A. Can Inci
Professor, Finance


Crystal Jiang
Professor, Management


Suhong Li
Professor, Information Systems and Analytics


Peter Nigro
Professor, Finance


Michael Roberto
Professor, Management


Hakan Saraoglu
Professor, Finance


John Visich
Professor, Management


Srdan Zdravkovic
Professor, Marketing

Associate Professor

Sharmin Attaran
Associate Professor, Marketing

Associate Professor

Andres Ramirez
Associate Professor, Finance

Associate Professor

Elzotbek Rustambekov
Associate Professor, Management

Assistant Professor

Ganga Hewage
Assistant Professor, Marketing

Assistant Professor

R. Isil Yavuz
Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship

Assistant Professor

Cathy Zheng
Assistant Professor, Finance


Maura Dowling
Lecturer, Finance


T.V. Jayaraman
Lecturer, Management


Mehreen Pasha
Lecturer, Management & Marketing


Mark Vozella
Lecturer, Management