Sales Minor 2024-2025 Edition

Sales Minor Requirements:

Required Courses
MKT 363Personal Selling3
MKT 391Marketing Internship3
MKT 463Sales Management3
Select one Marketing Elective from the following:
MKT 311Consumer Behavior3
MKT 312Marketing Research3
MKT 382New Product Development3
MKT 410Business To Business Marketing3
Select one Elective from the following:
COM 367Small Group Communication3
COM 380Nonverbal Communication3
COM 470Persuasion and Social Influence3
GSCM 301Supply Chain Management Concepts3
GSCM 310Supply Chain Integration3
MGT 312Human Resources Management3
MGT 463Power and Influence3
PSY 353Psychology of Personality3
PSY 470Social Psychology3
PSY 486Judgement and Decision Making3

A minimum of 15 credit hours is required for the minor.