Honors Program (HON) 2024-2025 Edition


HON 390. Research Methods and Thesis Proposal. 3 Credit Hours.

The course will introduce students to the process of preparing an Honors thesis proposal and to research methods that can be applied to social sciences, business, humanities, and creative arts disciplines. Students will work in a multidisciplinary environment and learn and practice how to define research objectives, explore alternative methodologies, and consider the nature of disciplines and importance of interdisciplinarity in today’s world. Students are also required to identify a thesis advisor and work with them throughout the semester to prepare and present their senior thesis project.
Prerequisites: Honors Program and junior standing
Session Cycle: Fall, Spring
Yearly Cycle: Annual.

Fall 2024HON 390HN2189MWF11:10am - 12:00pm(L. Kohl)

HON 490. Honors Senior Thesis. 3 Credit Hours.

Honors Program seniors, under the guidance of a faculty committee (as specified in program guidelines), will develop a thesis to serve as a capstone for their Honors Program coursework. The proposal will be presented to the Honors Coordinator in the spring of the student's junior year or no later than four weeks after the beginning of the student's senior year. It will include specification of the department to which credit will apply in the student's academic program, and signed approval from the faculty advisor, editorial reviewer and departmental chair is required. The initial proposal will be reviewed by the Honors Council and Coordinator for approval in accordance with Program procedures. Successful completion of this class requires the student to present the thesis and submission of all final document materials based on program guidelines.