Women,Gender, and Sexuality St (WGS) 2024-2025 Edition


WGS 250. Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. 3 Credit Hours.

This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how gender and sexuality shape our world. The course explores the origin and evolution of women's studies, the shift to questions concerning the social construction of gender, and the emergence of scholarly investigations of sexual identities. Students will interrogate various conceptions of gender and sexuality and explore how these conceptions might reinforce or disrupt social structures. The primary goals of this course are to encourage students to think critically about how dominant discourses of gender and sexuality have shaped the lives of both women and men. This course is cross-listed with LCS 250.
Session Cycle: Fall
Yearly Cycle: Annual.

WGS 471. Sex, Love and Social Media. 3 Credit Hours.

Through an interdisciplinary lens (philosophy, literature, economic theory, gender and sexuality theory), this course critically examines the effects of social media and global capitalism on friendship and intimacy. It asks: what model of friendship is currently culturally dominant? Is friendship merely another commodity useful in augmenting one’s “human capital,” or do traditional models of friendship still have relevance? Given the important role social media play in movements for social justice, what new avenues for creative cooperation and intimacy become available through social media? We will seek answers to these questions through philosophical, literary, and historical analyses of friendship and intimacy, paying close attention to non-normative, one might say “queer” relationship practices through the ages. This is cross-listed with LCS 471.
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing
Session Cycle: Fall
Yearly Cycle: Annual.

WGS 490. Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.

In this course students engage in independent and in-depth study of a specific topic in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies under the supervision of a WGS faculty member. Students will complete a substantial paper or project.
Prerequisites: WGS 250 and Junior/Senior standing and supervising faculty approval and program coordinator approval.

WGS 491. Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Internship. 3 Credit Hours.

Students engage in individually supervised field placements that are relevant to the study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (e.g., gay youth advocacy organization or battered women's shelter). Students must work at least ten hours per week at the placement and meet regularly with a supervising WGS faculty member. In addition, in-depth written work that integrates theory and practice is required.
Prerequisites: WGS 250, Junior standing and supervising faculty approval and program coordinator approval.

WGS 497. Directed Study in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. 3 Credit Hours.

With coordinator approval, a student may pursue their interest in a Women, Gender, and Sexuality studies related topic through a directed study with a professor who teaches WGSS designated courses. Junior standing is required.
Prerequisites: WGS 250 or LCS 250 and junior standing.