Rights and Responsibilities of Students 2024-2025 Edition

The rights of freedom of speech, association, thought, and privacy of the Bryant University student are the same as the rights of any other citizen. However, as a member of the University community, the student accepts certain responsibilities when he or she comes to Bryant University.

While it is impossible to list every right and responsibility, some of the more important ones are included here. Questions or concerns in this area should be directed to the Dean of Students.

Student Records

Students’ academic records are maintained by the University and are a private matter between the student and the University.

Disciplinary records are held separately from academic records and are maintained solely for the use of the University. All disciplinary records are maintained by the Dean of Students. These records are not forwarded outside the University, except with the permission of the student or by judicial order. Academic records are maintained permanently.

Access to all records is limited. The guidelines and procedures for gaining access are stated under “Privacy Rights of Students.”

Privacy Rights of Students

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), an individual enrolled at Bryant University is listed as an eligible student and any rights previously accorded to parents under the Act are transferred to the student.

Information contained in the educational record of the student may not be released without the student’s written consent, except as indicated in the Act.

  1. The Bryant University student has the right to inspect and review those records, files, documents, and other materials that contain information directly related to the student and which are maintained by the University, but with the following exceptions:
    1. Records of institutional, supervisory, and administrative personnel, and educational personnel that are in the sole possession of the maker, and that are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute.
    2. Records that are created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional.
    3. Confidential letters and statements of recommendation that were placed in the educational records prior to January 1, 1975.
    4. Records maintained solely for law enforcement purposes.
    5. Parents’ financial records and related parental financial information.
  2. Who has access to records.
    1. The student (former or present) upon presentation of proper identification.
    2. Other University officials, including faculty within the University or local educational agencies who have been determined by the responsible official to have legitimate educational interest.
    3. Officials of other schools in which the student seeks to enroll, upon condition that the student is aware of the transfer, receives a copy of the record if desired, pays the appropriate fee, and has the opportunity to challenge the content of the record.
    4. Authorized government officials as described in the Act.
    5. Authorities to whom request for financial aid has been made.
    6. State and local officials or authorities specifically required by the Act.
    7. Authorized organizations conducting studies on behalf of educational agencies, provided such studies do not disclose personally identifiable materials.
    8. Accrediting organizations.
    9. Parents of a dependent student as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
    10. Authorized persons, if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.
    11. Compliance with judicial order or subpoena – the student to be notified in advance of compliance.
  3. Other than the routine in-office use of the record, the purpose for requesting access must be indicated.
  4. The University maintains records in many media including but not limited to handwriting, print, tapes, microfilm, microfiche, and computer disks.
  5. Policy on Review, Appeal, and Expungency of Record:
    1. Upon receipt of a written request to review the record, an appointment will be arranged.
    2. In the event that some item is challenged by the student, an appeal may be made, described by the particular office (e.g., in the case of an academic item, after meeting with the appropriate academic Dean, the matter may be pursued to the University Committee on Scholastic Standing for its recommendation to the Provost).
    3. A favorable decision on the appeal would result in the item being expunged.
  6. Copies of Records:
    1. The student, upon payment of a $5 fee per item, may obtain a copy of his or her academic transcript generated by the University.
    2. Copies of records generated from other institutions must be secured from such institutions subject to their policies.
  7. Student Directory Information:
    1. Name, address, e-mail address, telephone listing, date, and place of birth.
    2. Major field of study and class schedule.
    3. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports, including weight and height of members of athletic teams.
    4. Dates of attendance.
    5. Distinguished academic performance, degrees and awards received, including dates.
    6. Most recent previous educational agency or institution attended.
    7. Photographic view or electronic images.
    8. Unless the student requests to the contrary, all of the above directory information will be published by the University as appropriate. A request not to publish must be made annually in writing to the Office of the Registrar within two weeks of the start of the fall semester.
  8. The privacy of Bryant students and their parents is protected under the authority of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-380) as amended (P.L.93-568), also known as the Buckley Amendment.
  9. Waivers:
    1. The University cannot require eligible students to waive their rights.
    2. A student may waive the right of access to confidential statements submitted on or after January 1, 1975.
      1. A student has the right to know the names of all persons making confidential recommendations. Such recommendations are used solely for the purpose for which they were intended.
      2. Waivers may not be required as a condition for admission to, receipt of financial aid from, or receipt of any other services or benefits from such agency or institution of the University.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Bryant University is committed to providing students with disabilities equal access to the university’s programs, services, and activities. The university provides reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), and all other applicable federal and state laws.

Students must request accommodations through Bryant’s Office of Accessibility Services (OAS -- accessibilitysvcs@bryant.edu). Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine individual barriers to access and reasonable accommodations. The review begins with an online registration form, followed by an intake meeting with a member of the OAS staff.

Students who request an accommodation due to disability may be required to share medical information that documents disability with OAS staff. In some cases, this may require the student to sign a release to allow appropriate university staff to speak with medical care professionals. Bryant will protect and maintain the privacy and confidentiality of any medical information of its students obtained in connection with the determination of reasonable accommodations.

Freedom of Association

There are a number of student organizations at the University and students are free to join those of their choice. Student organizations desiring recognition by the University must submit to the Office of Campus Engagement and the Bryant University Student Government a proposal that includes a statement of purpose of the organization, a list of interested Bryant students, a constitution, and the name of a Bryant faculty or staff member who will serve as advisor to the group. In order to be considered for recognition by the University, all organizations must state in their constitution that membership is open to all interested students and that all organization meetings are open to the Bryant community. (The procedure for requesting recognition as a student organization can be found in The Student Handbook.)

Right to Petition

The University recognizes the right of a student or student group to initiate petitions for the consideration and action of student organizations, faculty, or the administration. Normally these petitions should be transmitted through the Student Government to the appropriate office. The University reserves the right to refer any petition that has not come through the Student Government to the Student Government for consideration and recommendation.

Freedom of Speech

Bryant University supports the right of the students to traditional freedom of speech. However, each student is expected, in the exercise of these freedoms, to weigh the possible consequences of his or her actions, especially those that involve conduct that might interfere with or infringe upon the rights of others.

Freedom to Protest

Students have the right to protest. However, it is the responsibility of the University to ensure the continuation of the educational process and to share responsibility with its community for personal safety and the protection of property. No student or group of students has the right to prevent any member of the University community from performing his or her appointed duties. The University cannot condone any action that usurps or infringes upon the freedom or the rights of others, be they students, faculty, administrators, or the general public.

Interviews on Campus

Bryant University assists students in furthering their careers. The Amica Center for Career Education coordinates the on-campus interview program for Bryant University, using the online job board system Bryant Career Connection (BCC), which is available to all students. Students can apply to opportunities posted by employers, and if selected by the employer, schedule an interview through BCC. The University subscribes to the open recruitment policy, which permits any legitimate corporation, business, government agency, nonprofit organization, educational institution, or military services to interview students. The interviews fall well within the meaning of free speech, free movement, free choice of employment, and shall not be subject to interference, restriction, or harassment by any individual or group.

Rules and Conditions of Enrollment and Rights Reserved by the University

  1. An offer of admission is made to a student with the condition that he or she remains in good standing at the institution at which he or she is currently enrolled. The program of study in which he or she is engaged at the time of his or her admission must be completed to the satisfaction of Bryant University. Any change in such a program without the approval of the University or a failure to maintain a grade level acceptable to Bryant in any subject will be considered sufficient cause for review and possible revocation of the offer of admission.
  2. Bills for tuition and room and board must be paid no later than scheduled due dates.
  3. Students seeking to change between traditional and nontraditional student status should do so through the Undergraduate Advising Office. A request to change will be considered in response to a written student appeal that gives reasons for requesting the change and cites other activities that compete for study time. If a change is allowed, no further request will be entertained.
  4. All students are responsible for damages to University property caused by their malicious or careless conduct including the University-leased laptop distributed to them.
  5. Bryant reserves the right to reject any application and to dismiss without refund any student who does not comply with its rules and regulations.
  6. The University reserves the right to refuse to issue a transcript of the record of any student who has not fulfilled all financial obligations due the University.
  7. Students withdrawing from Bryant should file a withdrawal form with the Office of the Registrar and make an appointment with the Undergraduate Advising Office. Financial adjustments, if any, and academic standing will be determined in light of the date and reason for this official withdrawal.
  8. When leaving the University, students are required to remove all personal property. At time of withdrawal/dismissal, the University-leased laptop and backpack must be returned. Any malicious or careless damage outlined in the laptop contract will be automatically charged to the student’s account.
  9. The University makes every effort to protect the personal property of students, but it does not hold itself responsible for losses due to carelessness or to causes over which it has no control.
  10. Bryant University reserves the right to modify its tuition rates, to staff courses, to rearrange courses and class hours, to cancel courses scheduled, and to discontinue academic programs as the University deems appropriate.
  11. Residence halls are closed and there is limited dining services during Thanksgiving, winter break, spring holidays, and at such other times as the University deems necessary.

In accordance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1991, Bryant University policies and statistics regarding crime on campus may be obtained, upon request, from the Office of Admission.

Smoking Policy

There is a no-smoking policy in effect which significantly limits areas where smoking is permitted.