Psychology Concentration 2024-2025 Edition

Psychology Concentration Objectives

Students in the Psychology concentration will:

  •  Knowledge Base: describe key concepts, principles and overarching themes in psychology; develop a working knowledge of psychology’s content domains; and describe applications of psychology.
  • Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking: use reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena; demonstrate psychology information literacy; engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem solving; interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research; and incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry. 
  • Ethical & Social Responsibility in a Diverse World: apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice; build and enhance interpersonal relationships; and adopt values that build community at local, national, and global levels.
  • Communication: demonstrate effective writing for different presentation purposes; exhibit effective presentation skills for different purposes; and interact effectively with others. 
  • Professional Development: apply psychological content and skills to career goals; exhibit self-efficacy and self-regulation; refine project-management skills; enhance teamwork capacity; and develop meaningful professional direction for life after graduation.

Students in the Psychology concentration will take:

Foundational Course
PSY 260Introduction to Psychology3
or PSY 263 Honors: Core Concepts in Psychology
Foundational Perspective Courses
Students must take at least one course from 3 of the 5 Foundational Perspectives:
Developmental Perspective
PSY 360Child and Adolescent Development3
PSY 361Adult Development and Aging3
Social and Cultural Context Perspective
PSY 465Cross-Cultural Psychology3
PSY 470Social Psychology3
PSY 473Community Psychology3
Cognition and Learning Perspective
PSY 373Cognitive Psychology3
PSY 377Educational Psychology3
PSY 486Judgement and Decision Making3
Biological Perspective
PSY 374Introduction to Neuroscience3
PSY 375Health Psychology3
PSY 483Drugs and Behavior3
Clinical Perspective
PSY 355Introduction to Psychopathology3
PSY 472Child Psychopathology3
PSY 480Counseling Theory and Practice3
Two Elective Courses6
Electives can be taken from any remaining courses in the Perspectives above or from any of the courses listed below:
PSY 353Psychology of Personality3
PSY 365Environmental Psychology *3
PSY 371Applied Psychology *3
PSY 372Positive Psychology *3
PSY 376Research Methods in Psychology *3
PSY 378Industrial and Organization Psychology3
PSY 386Research Methods in Psychology II: Psychological Research and Statistics *3
PSY 391Psychology Internship3
PSY/MGT 440The Design Thinking Process *3
PSY 471Gender in Childhood *3
PSY 481Exercise and Sport Psychology3
PSY 482Forensic Psychology3
PSY 484Psychological Testing and Assessment *3
PSY 497Directed Study in Psychology3

 A minimum of 18 credit hours is required for the concentration.


At least two (2) courses must be taken at the 400 level.


At least one (1) course must be research intensive, as designated by *


No more than one (1) course can be transferred from another institution.