University Officers/Trustees 2024-2025 Edition

University Officers

Ross Gittell, Ph.D.


Rupendra Paliwal, Ph.D.

Provost/Chief Academic Officer

Inge-Lise Ameer, Ed.D.

Vice-President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Michelle Cloutier ’05 MBA

Vice President for Enrollment Management

Charles LoCurto

Vice President for Information Services and Chief Information Officer

Donna Ng

Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer

Timothy Paige

Vice President for Human Resources/Secretary of the Corporation

Edinaldo Tebaldi, Ph.D.

Vice President for Strategy and Institutional Effectiveness

William Smith

Vice President for Athletics and Recreation

David Wegrzyn ’86 P’23

Vice President for University Advancement


Ronald K. Machtley

William T. O’Hara (deceased)

William E. Trueheart


Wendy Samter, Ph.D.

Associate Provost 

Veronica McComb, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Denise Horn, Ph.D.

Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Todd M. Alessandri, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business

Daniel Ames, Ph. D.

Interim Associate Dean, College of Business

Kirsten Hokeness, Ph.D.

Director, School of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Joseph Trunzo, Ph.D.

Associate Director, School of Health and Behavioral Sciences


Charles Cullinan

Chair, Accounting

Christopher R. Morse

Chair, Communication and Language Studies

Kevin Maloney

Chair, Finance

Amber Day

Chair, History, Literature, and the Arts

Suhong Li

Chair, Information Systems and Analytics

Elzotbek Rustambekov

Chair, Management

Michael Gravier

Chair, Marketing

Gao Niu

Chair, Mathematics and Economics

John Dietrich

Chair, Politics, Law, and Society

Heather Lacey

Chair, Psychology

Jennifer Hurrell

Chair, Biological and Biomedical Sciences



Chair of the Board

D. Ellen Wilson `79

Office of the Chief Exec. & Exec. Vice President (Retired)

UnitedHealth Group

Boston, MA

Vice-Chair of the Board

Joseph F. Puishys `80

Executive Chairman


Minneapolis, MN


Kimberley Anderson ‘22H


EverHope Capital


Plant City

Providence, RI

Tim Barton ‘85

Managing Partner

Barton Muhammad Search

Atlanta, GA 

David M. Beirne ’85

General Partner

X10 Capital

San Francisco, CA

George E. Bello `58, `96H

Executive Vice President and

Controller (Retired)

Reliance Group Holdings, Inc.

New York, NY

P. James Brady, CPA ’81

CEO alliantTalent

Vice Chairman of Advisory Services


Houston, TX

Alexia Brandao ‘24

(Recent Alumni Trustee)

Asset and Wealth Management Analyst

Goldman Sachs

New York, NY

Robert J. Calabro `88



Boston, MA

Erin Champlin ‘85


Senior Vice President of People Experiences

Louisville, KY

William J. Conaty, ’67

Senior Vice President (Retired)

Corporate Human Resources

General Electric Company

Boston, MA

Nancy DeViney ‘75

VP, Strategy and Solutions

Sales & Distribution (Retired)

IBM Corporation

Armonk, NY

Julia Di Natale ’22

(Recent Alumni Trustee)

MAS Onboarding & Portfolio Change Management Analyst

Goldman Sachs

New York, NY

Scott C. Donnelly ‘14H

Chairman and CEO

Textron, Inc.

Providence, RI

Jamie L. Eichen, CPA ‘98


Ernest & Young, LLP

New York, NY

Sharon Garavel ‘85

Managing Director, Operations Executive

JP Morgan Chase

New York, NY

Ross Gittell, Ph.D.


Bryant University

Smithfield, RI

Eric Handa ‘97

President and CEO


Morristown, NJ

Ann-Marie Harrington `86


Portsmouth, RI

Frank Hauck ’81 P’08

President & General Manager, Banking (Retired)

NCR Corporation

Atlanta, GA

Christine Katziff `86

Chief Audit Executive

Bank of America

Charlotte, NC

Diane A. Kazarian ‘83

Managing Partner, GTA

National Financial Services Leader (Retired)


Toronto, ON

Beverly Ledbetter, JD, `18H

Senior Counsel (Retired)

Brown University

Providence, RI

Gregory Lyden ‘82

GSL Realty Advisory Services LLC


West Palm Beach, FL

Kristian P. Moor ’81, P`17

Chairman and CEO (Retired)

Chartis Insurance Company

New York, NY

Patricia O’Brien P’15

Assoc. Provost for Budget & Planning

Boston University - Office of the Provost

Boston, MA

Donald Quattrucci ’83, P’16

President, Marketing (Retired)

BNY Mellon Wealth Management

New York, NY

Daniel J. Rice IV `03


NET Power

Durham, NC

James V. Rosati ‘72

President and CEO (Retired)

Beacon Mutual Insurance Co.

Warwick, RI

Cynthia Schmitt-Sprinkle ‘81

CFO (Retired)

Pitney Bowes, Inc.

Stamford, CT

David Sorbaro ‘85


Mavis Tire Express Services Corporation

Millwood, NY

Frank Stasiowski, FAIA ’75 MBA

PSMJ Resources

Founding Owner, President & CEO

Newton, MA

Margaret M. Van Bree, MHA, DrPH


Van Bree Consulting

Barrington, RI 

Raul Villar, Jr. ‘89



Cincinnati, Ohio

Scott C. Voss ’92 P’25

Managing Director

HarbourVest Partners

Boston, MA

Jake Williams ‘23

(Recent Alumni Trustee)

Investment Analyst

Investment Banking Rotational Program

John Hancock/Manulife

Boston, MA

Rita Williams-Bogar `76

Founder, President & CEO

Personal Development Solutions, LLC

and the PDS Institute, LLC

Montclair, NJ